below are some practical questions demanded by love based on I Corinthians 13:4-8.

  1. Love produces activity
    • Question: Do I have eyes that see and serve or do I only see how others aren’t serving well enough?
  2. Love suffers long
    • Question: Do I bear hardship at the hand of others or do I become hard for them to bear in return? 
  3. Love is kind
    • Question: Am I an easy yoke for those around me? Do I alleviate tension? Am I annoying?
  4. Love does not envy
    • Question: Is my service noisy because I am jealous of the gifts of others? Have I accepted the gifts God has given me as enough? (Parents – my children’s gifts)
  5. Love does not boast
    • Question: Do I loudly let everyone know what I am doing? Is my way the only (best) way?
  6. Love is not arrogant
    • Question: Do I need my ego stroked in order to keep serving?
  7. Love is not Rude
    • Question: Am I quick to offend, embarrass, or cause others to keep a distance?
  8.  Love does not seek its own
    • Question: Do I stubbornly demand my way or do I sacrifice to meet the needs of others?
  9. Love is not irritable
    • Question: Do I tend to take things personally, easily bothered and quick to isolate?
  10. Love is not Resentful
    • Question: Am I quick to list the ways others have hurt me?
  11. Love does not rejoice in wrongdoing
    • Question: Do I feel better about myself when I hear about the sins of others?
  12. Love rejoices with the truth
    • Question: Is God’s Word the ruler I use to measure everything?
  13. Love bears all things
    • Question: Am I easily hurt by others and unable to cover the hurt?
  14. Love believes all things
    • Question: Am I easily influenced to think little of my brothers and sisters in Christ?
  15. Love hopes all things
    • Question: Am I quicker to despair or to hope for the best and trust in God?
  16. Love endures all things & Hopes all things
    • Question: Is my love for others on a timer that is set by the way they respond to me?