In January, I introduced this book by Layton Talbert. Having finished it, I’m eager to share my conclusion.
A heartfelt thank you to Dr. Talbert for his expertise on the book of Job and for writing in a way that allows everyone to drink deeply from its profound truths.
The book of Job is about God. How do we respond when God allows, permits, and even causes indescribable pain? How do we react to a God who gives freely and takes away just as freely? Who do we believe is more righteous: God or ourselves?
After enduring the trial of his miserable comforters, Job finally hears from God. But not in the way we expect. God doesn’t answer Job’s “why.” Instead, He questions Job to reveal the “Who.” God defies being put in a box. While He hasn’t revealed everything about Himself, He has shown us what we need to know right now.
Job’s logical responses were ultimately wrong because he didn’t have all the facts. God does. When Job repented and humbled himself before God, he responded correctly.
Job realized he had only glimpsed the edges of God’s greatness. Paul describes God as unfathomable and indescribable. Our knowledge, no matter how vast, is just a drop in the ocean compared to the infinite depth of God.
We will experience suffering, trials, and affliction. But we will never face them alone. The good hand of God is always on His children. May God gives us the humility and faith to trust in that good hand.
Please read this book. You won’t regret it.
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